iHemp – The Future of Industrial Hemp.
iHemp Magazine #15 Hemp Pioneers Dave & Anne Jordan standing in front of their decortication machine inside their huge hemp fibre factory, near Christchurch Understanding history helps us see the future. Most readers of this magazine would understand the value proposition of industrial hemp for New Zealand and the world.

Hemp: how can we unlock its full potential?
Industrial Hemp, also known Cannabis sativa L., has a low, non-narcotic, THC-content. It is one is of the oldest crops grown by mankind and has been largely cultivated all over Europe for centuries. As a matter of fact, historical records show that naturally rich in CBD/cannabinoids hemp, flowers, leaves and

Hemp comes in from the cold: Once-banned crop catching on with farmers
More and more New Zealand farmers are planting a crop that they were banned from growing for eight decades or so. They are setting aside land to raise hemp, for use in cereals, oils and textiles. It’s still very much in its infancy, but for some, hemp is seen as a

Hemp industry set to balloon to $2 billion in 10 years
Hemp, could it become New Zealand’s next billion dollar industry? According to a recent report the industry could see a massive leap from $30 million to $2 billion in just 10 years. New Zealand Hemp Industries Association Chair Richard Barge joined Mike Hosking to talk about hemp’s potential growth in

Hemp Just Needs the Nod: A $2Bn Transition For NZ’s Economy
Article: Dr Nick Marsh NZ is a small country which is renowned for its food and beverage exports- in short, we are a world leader in growing and exporting food. But our Food economy is battered by the closing of the borders and the resultant loss of tourist (and student)

Misunderstood by Patagonia
Natural. Misunderstood. Legal. This is the story of hemp in the United States. A forbidden fiber in the U.S. since 1970, hemp has taken the heat for almost five decades. Until the Farm Bill passed in December of 2018, hemp was federally illegal to grow for commercial purposes, making it