Enabling The Hemp Industry
Through Brands You Trust
We Promote, Educate, Partner and
Invest In The Hemp Industry.
What we Do and why we do it.
Hemp New Zealand™ is home to the largest and most iconic hemp brands in New Zealand. Our much loved brands bring collective experience in hemp cultivation, harvesting and processing, including R&D and innovation. Hemp NZ™ Since 2008 has established through their iconic brand Hemp Farm® and strategic partners a leading position in the New Zealand hemp industry.
“We are passionate about Hemp as a broad acre agricultural crop. Hemp offers a vital solution to the growing environmental challengers we face today”,
Our brand Hemp Farm® works with a vibrant grower group, which extends five regions, North and South Island. Hemp Farm® provides hemp foods, nutritional supplements and Promise® provides natural skincare.
We are in partnership with NZ Natural Fibres to produce hemp fibre, yarn and non-woven products.
Hemp Seed Food Ingredients Supplier
Our Brands and Partners.

Bulk Food
Contact us on +64 7 5601020 or send us a message for advise.

Retail Products


Hemp Fibre & Hurd


Regional Growth